本人长期从事加拿大高中留学的业务,对个教育局的做法还算了解. 以下是各加拿大教育局对我曾经这个问题的回答,为了保持人家的原意,我就直接把曾经的电子邮件的内容贴在这儿了,供参考:
素里教育局关于年龄问题的回答 (温哥华)
Hello - some answers to your questions are below.
1. What's the maxmuim age for enrollment of grade 10, grade 11 and grade 12 respectively ?
2. Students are permitted to be in our schools until the term they turn 19 years old.
3. Once they are 19 years old, we have an adult education system for them,
4. Student must still complete the BC government requirements for graduation.
5. What's the deadline of age for the students to graduate from the secondary school ?
Generally, we would like to see them graduate as 18 year olds, but 19 and 20 is OK. For international students, this means we look for students who are 15 years old, so they have a realistic chance of completing all the grad requirements.
兰里教育局关于年龄问题的回答 (温哥华)
Dear Peng,
It's nice to hear from you. Thank you for keeping Langley in your heart. I really appreciate that!
Regarding your question, let me explain.
For local Canadian students, they cannot continue to study in the public high school after 19 years of age as per our Ministry funding policy. So all school districts apply this to the local students.
However, for international students, it is up to the individual school district to decide. Some school districts follow the same policy as above for international students and so they will have restrictions about age. So one has to find out about this from each school district.
In our school district, we allow international to stay in our program even if after 19, so they can still finish their high school completion requirements with us. So you don't have to worry about this issue with Langley School District. We have had a few students who needed more time to graduate and did so when they were 20 or 21. They are good students, but they were either a bit older in age when they came or they just simply needed more time because of ESL or to complete all the credits, so as long as the students are studying well, we will accept them and let them finish.
Hope this is helpful. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me anytime for any questions. We would love to work with you and show you how well we take good care of your students in our program. At this time, I am not sure when I will be in Beijing next time, but I will certainly contact you to let you know and come and look forward to meeting you! Cheers, Tina.
Tina Chow
Director, International Student Program
Langley School District