您好每个学校所需要的费用是不一样的,一般来讲美国私立高中全年学费生活费的总和在20-40万人民币不等。但是也有一些私立的教会学校费用就相对比较便宜了,一年大约在12-18万人民币不等。每个地区都会有贵族的学校也会有教会的学校,所以我以一个教会学校来举例说明一个学校一般都会有一些什么费用:Christian Heritage School575 White Plains Road Trumbull, CT 06611Due with Application申请费Application Fee (Non-refundable – must accompany Application) $ 100美金Tuition down-payment学费 International Student Registration Fee (Non-refundable) $3000 Tuition for 1 year $12,050美金是一年的学费 Activity Fee $50美金活动费TOTALCOST ( includin g applic ation fee and dow n-paym ent): $18,200 -—————--—• ESL课程费用– (semi-private lessons are scheduled 3 days a weeks) for $950/quarter. This is refundable• Health Insurance保险费 – approximately $50/month depending on the plan selected through ISO. • Home Stay 住宿家庭的费用– we recommend a stipend of about $700/月 paid directly to the Host Family。This would cover room, board, laundry and transportation needs. 这个费用包括了住宿,食宿,洗衣以及交通费。• Textbooks and School Supplies书本费- 预计 $400, depending on the courses selected. Students may purchase used books to save money.学生也可以购买旧书来节省费用• Clubs and Sports 有些活动可能会额外要求其他的费用- Some athletic teams require uniforms to be purchased. Occasionally, there may be a trip into New York City for a Broadway Show which may require some funds.