老师您好,我申请的是英国的管理学,现在得了两所学校的offer,一所是卡迪夫大学的Msc. International Management和曼砌斯特大学的MSC International Development:Development Management要去哪个现在非常纠结,能请您给我一个建议吗?
回答过你的问题了。再次提问且私密提问的话,我仔细看了一下学校的网站,从专业的角度考虑,比较建议你选择Cardiff,虽然好像曼大的名气更大一些。但是,在英国,这是两个同等分量的大学,Cardiff在威尔士,堪称威尔士的牛津剑桥,地位很高,城市环境也非常好。曼大的课程描述说的很清楚“Our range of programmes has been significantly revised to reflect new trends in international development theory and policy, including growing concerns with issues of inequality, climate change and the politics of development.”这不算是咱们理解的一般的商科,而是比较宏观方面的东西,政策啊之类的,也比较偏理论。从就业来讲,面还是窄了一些,比较适合政府和非政府组织。Cardiff大学的专业是咱们一般理解的真正的管理学(Management),学校也写的很明白了“It will provide a strong basis for a variety of careers such as:
•students wishing to enter into international management positions in multinational firms.
•students wishing to join small and medium sized enterprises that are linked to global production networks and/or trading in overseas markets.
•students interested in working in policy making institutions or in social movements concerned with business and society.
•students wishing to pursue an academic career will also benefit from this MSc as the basis to further PhD studies in international management.”而且最后一点多重要,这不是任何学校都有的呢。